Adonhiram | 7 years ago | 2 likes | 1.4K views
Hello Michiel and Blufftitlers !
I finished the promo video for my EverQuest gaming guild, here the second part. As usual, I use a lot of Blufftitler. I started experimenting with sketches in the second segment of this video but I am still far from Selina's expertise. I bought Bixelangelo but haven't yet understood how it works, I just use the handwriting tool to export into BT projects.
Software used beside Blufftitler : Pinnacle Studio 20 Ultimate for editing (using pro DAD plug ins a lot, as Vitascene), After Effects for some special effects but mainly for detouring/rotobrush/tracking and GIMP to work on still images.
To be honest, I'll take a break from video editing for a few months, non stop editing since last september, have enough for now...
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