liuyongcai | 7 years ago | 16 comments | 1 like | 2.7K views
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Michele: hello, why, can win 10 system under the rendering avi 4k file, can not be rendered on the win port 4k MP4 file。
Michele: hello, why, can win10 system under the rendering avi 4k file, can not be rendered on the win10 port 4k MP4 file.
liuyongcai, 7 years ago
Michele: hello, why, can win10 system under the rendering avi 4k file, can not be rendered on the win10 port 4k MP4 file
liuyongcai, 7 years ago
To render 4k in .MP4 You need a codec with level 5.1 or higher.
K-Lite codec pack has the new LAV Filters that will work.
Also under settings/options/drivers set Mp4 encoder profile to High (HP, 100) for better quality.
komies, 7 years ago
If the MP4 encoder does not work you probably ran out of memory. I advise you to export as uncompressed AVI, close BluffTitler and use your video editor or encoding tool to convert to MP4.
michiel, 7 years ago
The codec seems good, so Michiel is probably right encoding takes alot of memory.
But just to be thorough:
1. Is this the first time you tried to render with MP4?
2. What happens if you use an installer 3 second "lesson" show and render this as 4k MP4
komies, 7 years ago
Processor Intel (R) Core (TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz
Memory capacity 32.0GB
Graphics NVIDIA Quadro P5000 memory capacity
Hard drive 1, Samsung SSD 750 EVO 500GB (500GB)
2, ST4000DM005-2DP166 (4.0TB)
Motherboard Z270M-D3H-CF (x.x)
Network card Intel (R) Ethernet Connection (2) I219-V
Sound card 1, kX 10k2.5 Audio (3552) - Generic
2, Realtek High Definition Audio
3, NVIDIA High Definition Audio
Display VX2475 SERIES Resolution: 4K,4096X2160
Current operating system Windows 10 64-bit
liuyongcai, 7 years ago
Great Specs.
当执行一个简单的演示3秒,并作为4K MP4出口,那么会发生什么。
komies, 7 years ago
When performing a simple demo for 3 seconds and making a 4K MP4 exit, can not render it.
liuyongcai, 7 years ago
Michele: hello, why win10 system under the avi 4k file rendering, can not be rendered on the win10 port 4k MP4 files, recommended in the future version, to solve this problem.
liuyongcai, 7 years ago
AVC H.264 codec levels:
Level 5.1
1,920×1,080@120.5 (16)
2,560×1,920@51.2 (9)
3,840×2,160@31.7 (5)
4,096×2,048@30.0 (5)
4,096×2,160@28.5 (5)
4,096×2,304@26.7 (5)
liuyongcai problem is likely a codec hell issue that 9/10 can be resolved by re-installing the k-lite codecs.
Kěnéng de jiějué fāng'àn shì chóngxīn ānzhuāng biān jiěmǎ qì K-Lite biān jiěmǎ qì bāo bìng chóngxīn qǐdòng jìsuànjī
komies, 7 years ago
Use the Codec Tweak Tool to check for any possible problems. Enable these fixes:
1.Detect and remove broken ACM/VFW codecs
2.Detect and remove broken DirectShow filters
3.Re-register base DirectShow filters
komies, 7 years ago
It is part of the K-Lite Codec pack and a link to the download address can be found under User guide / VideoLayer.
komies, 7 years ago
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