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Elect1 | 15 years ago | 5 comments | 3 likes | 9.2K views

Tester and xlogold like this!

Just put this together. I need to tweek the text gradient to work better with the particle layer. The cleaver was quickly modeled in Cool 3D. It could use better reflection motion across its surface.

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I also wanted to add a shadow to the cleaver and the first "P". Can this be done with the existing effects already present on them?

Elect1, 15 years ago

Wow seems Cool 3D has a few modeling limitations. Still, it looks like you guys are able to crank out simple decent looking models. Why not render the very last frame of the show without the cleaver and then use that same image as the reflection map? This would give you a fake raytrace reflection showing the letters and fire on the cleaver.

Be nice if the camera was above and all that is seen is a single P but you can"t tell it's a P since it is laying on it"s back. Then the cleaver comes down and chops the P it half. Half falls to the left and half falls to the right to reveal two P's. Then the rest of the text fades in and the fire.
In animation, an action word almost warrants something in the animation using the action word.
My .02 cents ;)

Nice work,
Jose Burgos

joseburgos, 15 years ago

Copy the new reflection map image to your texture folder. I added two shadows of the P to the cleaver and also a fake raytrace reflection to it as well.
It will not play real time because I had to use soft shadows to remove shows from the background (BT should have a tick box to allow shadows on or off for each layer) so you would need to render this out for a smooth playback.

The reflection was made by deleting the cleaver, removing shadows and changing the background to a light grey. Then I exported the image from the last frame.

Take care,
Jose Burgos

joseburgos, 15 years ago

use soft shadows to remove shows - shows = shadows :)
Ohh and I cloned the point light and then re-positioned it and adjusted it's settings.

Jose Burgos

joseburgos, 15 years ago

Sorry but wanted to mention I also changed the reflection effect to reflectionmap_lightened. This allowed me to key frame the fake raytrace reflection so as not to look to k=fake as the cleaver came into frame and then full reflection as it came closer to the text.

Jose Burgos

joseburgos, 15 years ago

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