MannyM00 | 8 years ago | 4 comments | 2 likes | 1.5K views
ID Production and Dani like this!
Any chance of a Cinematic Title Pack ?
Those intros are pretty easy to reproduce in BluffTitler. If there's a specific effect you have trouble with please don't hesitate to ask for help in this community. Try to be as specific as possible, for example: "how do you do the lighting effect in this video at 4:45"
Maybe you are impressed by the beautiful fonts. Never underestimate the power of a well chosen font. It's an easy way to make your titles look better. The templates that come with the installer all use the Arial font not because it's such a beautiful font, but because it comes with Windows and in this way prevents 'could not find font' error messages.
Most asked question number 4 gives a list of font sites:
michiel, 8 years ago
Thanks Michiel,
I like all the intro's, if a pack with cinematic intros did come out im sure it would sell well.
MannyM00, 8 years ago
I would like to see a pack as such also. Would purchase something like this.
brntguy, 8 years ago