MannyM00 | 8 years ago | 3 comments | 1.9K views
Are there anyone that can allow multiple photos to be morphed into an animation?
I am looking to morph the face of my daughter from being born to a few years old but only use selected photos?
Not sure if this is relevant for this forum?
If the eyes and mouth are at the same position in all photos, using multiple picture layers and animating their TRANSPARENCY properties can do the trick. If not, google on morph software.
michiel, 8 years ago
Check out WinMorph, at
It hasn't been updated in a while, but it is free, and works fine on my recently upgraded Windows 10 desktop. It even has plug-ins for Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere, and the author's own video editing freeware, "Wax". It's a lot of fun to play around with too, especially watching the magical morph!
Hope that helps!
amiga, 8 years ago