NextPreviousHomeScroller Question

DixonSomerset | 8 years ago | 2 comments | 1.3K views

Hi guys...:)

I'll word this as best as I can...please bear with me...;)

Ok...I'd like to have a scroller which is made up two words into one, if you know what I mean.

For example...I'd like the words 'photo' and 'BOOTH' to be on a scroller as 'photoBOOTH', but I'd like each word to be a different colour.

I've tried using one scroller for 'photo' and one for 'BOOTH', and changing the colours of each word, but I cannot get them to line up properly into the one phrase.

Does anybody have any idea of how to do this please?

I've attached a picture to show what I'm talking about. If this could be done as a scroller, it would be a big help.


Chris :)

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This can be done with the Text\RainbowText effect.

michiel, 8 years ago

It works

Filip, 8 years ago

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