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Bald Runner | 8 years ago | 2 comments | 1.2K views

My Bix Backs are still using the old .fx extensions
What is the process for updating them to the .cfx versions



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When you are using version 12 or 13 of Blufftitler then the older Bixpacks you downloaded will have in the effects map .fx extension but will use .cfx automatically such as V11\V11_NotLightened_Subtractive.cfx for instance. This way all older Bixpacks will still work and there is no need to replace them manually.

When you make a new show TRY not to use effects from the V11 effects map.

You can check/change this with F9 per layer.

komies, 8 years ago

Thank you Komies for your reply.

Bald Runner, 8 years ago

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