Per | 15 years ago | 5 comments | 2.7K views
Btw, I've created several working directories in the Blufftitler directory - are they safe? I'm thinking perhaps a future install would delete such folders?
The uninstaller only deletes the files that were installed by the previous installer.
michiel, 15 years ago
Right. Thanks :)
Per, 15 years ago
Michiel, is that a new feature of your installer? I seem to recall having the problem of my old projects getting wiped out by the new install. But this last update my old files were not touched.
JimH, 15 years ago
Jim, I think at one time you have changed your installation location and your "wiped out projects" are still waiting for you in the old location. I advise you to do a global search on "*.bt" to find them.
The uninstaller only deletes files that were installed by the previous installer. It deletes individual files, not folders.
michiel, 15 years ago