Dani | 8 years ago | 4 comments | 7 likes | 2.8K views
Ulli, michiel, LostBoyz and 4 others like this!
This is just a test show.........need to learn how we can give the best from this V.13.
just now i got my beta version.........Version 13 will Rock the 3D world.
I wish you all the very best the whole team, last 6 months you are all worked very hard for this version,
Congratulations !!! Michiel father of BT.
Creative concept and good use of the water layer!
This lighthouse keeper is going to need sea legs :)
michiel, 8 years ago
Very Cool! :)I started to do a similar :D
Mine will be a little darker or very :)
LostBoyz, 8 years ago
Daniel lives in Hyderabad city in India, He loves to work with Blufftitler , For to him Every day begins with Blufftitler , He called himself a mad lover of Blufftitler.
Thank you for watching my shows and your great support.
Lots of Love from
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