Jesus | 8 years ago | 2 comments | 1.8K views
Michiel, as I can transfer a show of BT container to another new project show BT.
When you are in a position that you what to borrow some elements of a show and want to use it in a different show, all or not made by yourself you can MERGE shows together:
1. Save the basis show in which you want to import in (just in case)
2. Prepare the show you want to borough from, by deleting everything you don’t need.
You can delete the light and camera at last but you can also keep them so can see and visit this show as standalone again. You then have to delete this two layers because will be double now.
3. Save this show with a new name, so the original stays intact. Remember the length of the show.
4. Open the basis show
5. Press CTRL + M
6. Choose the prepared show
7. Edit and Save this now altered Show.
When you are making a complex object like a motorbike out of .eps I like to put them in a new show in a container layer and merge them in a show when I might need it.
komies, 8 years ago
Komies, thanks for your help, well explained.
Jesus, 8 years ago
contact in email.
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