NextPreviousHomeCapa EPS agregada en capa de bosquejo

persiana | 8 years ago | 3 comments | 1.7K views

Porqué cuando agrego una capa de EPS a una capa de bosquejo, al querer posicionarla no se desplaza verticalmente u horizontal,

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Maybe you are looking for the WRITER property of the sketch layer.

Play around with this show that comes with the installer:

michiel, 8 years ago

Gracias Michiel, pero no estoy interesado en la capa escritor.
Yo estoy interesado en contenedores anidados y para eso uso la capa bosquejo pero no puedo controlar bien los desplazamientos de los eps dentro de la capa bosquejo,

persiana, 8 years ago

You can attach an EPS Layer to a container layer by choosing the menu item LAYER > ATTACH LAYER > ATTACH EPS TO ACTIVE LAYER...

The position of the container layer can be adjusted with the POSITION property.

The position of the EPS layer, relative to the container layer, can adjusted with the TEXT POSITION property.

It's called TEXT POSITION because the EPS layer is nothing more than a text layer using an EPS file instead of a font file.

michiel, 8 years ago

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