adruffs | 8 years ago | 7 comments | 8 likes | 1.7K views
crispin, Dani, LostBoyz and 5 others like this!
I have been using Blufftitler for some time now even though I can not do much with it, but it is doing what I want it to do and I am ok with it. Wonderful software and Michiel creating time attending to various issues. I am impressed.
Is there any way we can vote for Michiel as the man of the Year for this easy to use and affordable software please?
Thank you Rufus, but I'm really getting too much credit. This is a team effort and includes all the active community users, including you!
Thank you!
michiel, 8 years ago
I'm happy that Outerspace Software have a human size, thank you Michiel for your permanent support.
vincent, 8 years ago
To modest Michiel. You earn the credits. You have my vote.
Easy to use and affordable software and permanent improvements.
Filip, 8 years ago
Wonderful software and easy to use, and of course my vote is for Michiel.
Jesus, 8 years ago
Maybe we must search the internet and leave everywhere positive reviews of Blufftitler:
More users, more creativity, more fun!
I left an review on:
Filip, 8 years ago