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habed | 8 years ago | 3 comments | 1.6K views


I'm a Blufftitler since 07, but I haven't used a lot in the past few years. Mostly since I moved to Mac. =/

I lost almost all my saved shows and now that I need to change my web page I forgot the name of the show I used for my quick tips intro.

Do any of you remember the name of this show so I can download it again?

Thank you

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I don't remember having seen this show before.

Maybe it's an original and you are more creative than you think!

michiel, 8 years ago

Begining of your video seems to come from one of my old shows :

vincent, 8 years ago


I don't remember creating it. I did some, but not this one

habed, 8 years ago

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