Changa | 9 years ago | 3 comments | 1.4K views
Dear BT Team.
First of all , great new version. Thank you for the Copies.CFX i loved it.
Second, could you please add function of copy/paste/delete
when the user edits the keyframes, adds or copy and paste it
where the marker is set. Also deletion is very useful, when i
just add keys that i don't want - i can simply press del key - and woosh!
The text box will have its' own control as usual, when the user
is writing titles -but when scrubbing and adding keyframes,
i couldn't use it more. It's a must.
Thank you, Chnaga.
I'm afraid I do not understand your feature request.
Do you mean that you would like to have keyboard shortcuts for these buttons?
michiel, 9 years ago
yes additional shortcuts ( perhaps self configurable ) would be nice
2ids, 9 years ago
Yes, please.
thank you.
Changa, 9 years ago