NextPreviousHomeUnable to import a video in BT

Apolinaire | 9 years ago | 33 comments | 5.1K views

With BT, I can't import a video in a video layer (menu Layer / Add layer / Add video layer...) I tried with a .MOV and with a .MPG videos and each time BT tells me "Media error" in a popup which name is "MDirectShow". But I can read these videos in VLC, in Proshow and in Windows Media Player ! (I have Windows 7 Pro)
What about BT ?
I tried the trick of Michiel to change the Graphic adapter in the Drivers options without success.
Using dxdiag, I'm sure I have DirectX 11 on my PC.
Thanks for any help.

First clue : before importing, if I put a show time equal to the video time, the video layer is created but I only hear the sound. I don't see any image...

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have you set in Settings / options / drivers / video decoders /
to another decoder instead of default?

In your case .mov default to like LAV or Ffdshow video decoder

If this doesn't work can you try it with a .wmv format video.

komies, 9 years ago

Thank you Komies.

Yes I tried ffdshow video decoder in options / drivers.
The only way I can import a video in BT is when the video format is AVI (and with ffdshow video decoder in option).
Nothing else works. I also tried MP4 video and I have the same popup "Media error".

And I have another problem with imported AVI !
My BT show resolution is HD 1280x720, 16/9.
With MediaInfo utility I can read that my AVI is 1280x720, 16/9.
But my video doesn't fill the screen in BT when imported. It's smaller than the screen and I have big black borders. Is there an explanation of that ?

I continue my tests...

Apolinaire, 9 years ago

Things to know:

1. Blufftitler does not add, remove or change codecs or it's priorities, it uses what's already on the pc.
2. Blufftitler uses Directshow codecs
3. When priority (merit system) is not set to this, the video will open in it's own ActiveMovie Window instead of placed in the show.
4. Blufftitler sets the video layer in 3d space, so it can be big or small and rotated on it's axis depending on it's settings.

With the available info I've got, I can conclude that it's not a Merit system issue because the video does not open in a separate window.

Therefore it's likely to be a codec issue, it could well be corrupt.

The fastest way to try and solve this is reinstall with latest Klite codec pack, the basic will do.

After reinstall, open the Codec tweak tool that came with the install.
Click under General: Fixes and select:
1.Detect and remove broken ACM/VFW codecs
2.Detect and remove broken DirectShow filters
3.Re-register base DirectShow filters

After this restart pc, and give it a try.

komies, 9 years ago

Komies, WELL DONE !
Thank you very much. It works now with your help.
Thank you also for your point number 4. I didn't understand this point before and now it's clearer for me.
You saved me !

Apolinaire, 9 years ago

I was too happy...
Now I can import my videos in BT; I see and I HEAR them in BT.
But when I export them in an AVI format (compressed or uncompressed), the result is an AVI video without any sound. My exported AVI are silent in VLC or in Proshow.
What's this new problem ?

Apolinaire, 9 years ago

This is strange, uncompressed doesn't make use of any codec!
And you have sound in the BT show, so the audio volume is set higher than 0.

Can you import the uncompressed avi back into blufftitler and listen.

What does MediaInfo utility say about the audio of the export?

Waiting on your reply....

komies, 9 years ago

komies is right.

vincent, 9 years ago

I was sending the text Vincent is right, but that seem a bit much by congratulating myself now :)

His original text was that blufftitler doesn't export audio unless it's in the audio layer. I've tested this, and he is right.

You can add the video to the audio layer and that works in BT, BUT NOT IN THE EXPORT.

So Vincent suggestion of his deleted comment is also right. extract the audio from the video and add this to the audio layer.

Here are some free software that will do that trick.

komies, 9 years ago

OK. Thank you Komies (and Vincent ? I didn't read his deleted post... But it seems it was right.)
I already used this process : audio extracting + silent video. I just thought that BT could do it.

NB : my favorite trick to extract sound from a video : Freemake Video Converter. Give it the video and ask to convert in MP3.

Apolinaire, 9 years ago

It is always the first idea which is the good one.

vincent, 9 years ago

Should it be a bug ?
In the user guide, I read :
"Start position
Video files start playing at the beginning of the show and the audio streams are mixed with all other layers containing audio."
Whatever the output format no audio is rendered.

Jeep35, 9 years ago

Thank you everybody to take an interest at my problem.

I'd like to make a history of it and you'll see that it's not so simple to understand !

1) Saturday 9
I have the problems I wrote about in my first post.
After posting, I tried to import an AVI in BT and it worked.
I exported this AVI with BT and the resulting AVI had pictures + sound ! I'm sure. I have the video on my PC.

2) Sunday 10
After reinstalling ffdshow, ffmpeg and QuicTime individually, the problem is the same ; media error.
So, I tried the installation of the KLite codec pack (basic).
Now, I can import every video format that I want.
But no sound in exported videos...

3)Monday 11
I ask to a friend of mine to test an import and an export of a sound video in BT. (last version, 12.2)
After exporting, she has a sound video ! How to understand ? She has the same PC as mine, the same OS (Win7 Pro) and the same BluffTitler version.

Where is the bad codec?

Apolinaire, 9 years ago

Better question is: where is the good codec?

Giving this codec top priority will fix the BluffTitler issues... and introduce new ones in other apps. There's a word for this: codec hell.

My advice is pragmatic: do all your editing with uncompressed files and only use compression when exporting the final result in your NLE (like Sony Vegas). This also gives you the best possible quality!

michiel, 9 years ago

Michiel, the only problem is :
1- I can import any video format in BT, the sound of the video is OK when playing the show in BT.
2- Whatever format I use for output, I have NO sound, uncompressed AVI file included.

Jeep35, 9 years ago

Dear Apolinaire,

I assumed that with the audio separation in the audio layer, you had what you wanted by saying "But it seems it was right". Was I wrong?

What I missed in your time-line is the Codec tweak tool fix, did you preform this and did it remove any codecs?

With this tool you can also set your priority for a codec, under Win7dsfiltertweaker: Preferred decoders.

komies, 9 years ago

Yes Komies, I used the codec tweak tool fix as you told me and it removed a few codecs. Perhaps 4 or 5, I don't remember which codecs...

I confirm that exported videos are silent, compressed or uncompressed.

Apolinaire, 9 years ago

Still Silent?
You separated the audio, and put the mp3 file in the audio layer?

Well then you have to change your .mp3 priority to a different codec. This can be done in blufftitler under Settings / options / drivers / audio decoders / mp3 to Ffdshow or other.

You can do this also with Codec tweak tool more permanently under: Win7dsfiltertweaker: Preferred decoders

good luck,

komies, 9 years ago

Komies, I don't speak about separated audio. Just a video, as I said in my first post.
I know how to do with extracted audio. But I would like to resolve the problem of extracted sound video.
Sound video in BT => export as an AVI => some have sound video and some, like me, have silent video. That's all.

Apolinaire, 9 years ago

This I can't answer:

I don't use Blufftitler as an NLE and have never imported a movie with sound into Blufftitler. To understand this issue I did add a movie with sound and like you I had sound and vision, but not in the export.

Jeep35 is reporting the same.

To work around this issue I did try the audio separation of the video and added it to the audio layer, which worked.

So I can't say it ever worked, or when it seemed to have stopped.
I only know that Blufftitler is not a Non Linear Video-editor, just a great and fast tool to create intro's with alot of options for a sharp prices for what is does.

komies, 9 years ago

Yes BT is not a NLE but, according to the user guide which says :
"Start position
Video files start playing at the beginning of the show and the audio streams are mixed with all other layers containing audio."
we believe that the audio from the video will be mixed and will be rendered in the output. I understand that in a compressed output a codec may be the problem but not in an uncompressed AVI output.

Jeep35, 9 years ago

Not sure it is the BT job to mix the audio of video layers because if you want to create your own soundtrack you'll be obliged to remove audio of each video used in you project. Maybe an alternative would be to have an audio mute checkbox besides the visible checkbox or a 'render audio' checkbox in layer properties.

vincent, 9 years ago

Ok with you Vince !

Jeep35, 9 years ago

Hello Komies,
Just for your understanding. Why do I use videos in BT ?
I create slideshows in the software Photodex Proshow Producer. Sometimes, I insert little videos in a slideshow ; only a few seconds. In the moment, my video is 23s long.
Proshow Producer operates transparency on pictures (PNG) but not on movies !
So, I need an alpha channel of my video in order to mask it in Proshow.
And the only software I have which can do this alpha channel is... BluffTitler.
That is why I don't speak about intros or video editing. In this case I just use BT as a convenient tool to create an alpha channel video.
Have a good day.

Apolinaire, 9 years ago

I believe Apolinaire and Jeep35 are right, I just couldn't confirm it with my history and tests that I did.

Video with sound has it's own volume setting, the setting 0 would be mute,
and with the userguide saying that all audio will be mixed. So it's stands to reason that it should work. I just have no idea why not!

I just offered a workaround that seems to work so people can move forwards until this is addressed.

I am a firm believer in the right tool for the right job, that doesn't mean you can't try and push or hold to your expectations, that is how things change and or improvements are made.

Everyone is free to use BT has he sees fit, it's just that BT has it's limits and there are other software packages that do a better job in certain things.

All we can do on this forum / community is to try and help each other with the knowledge we have to share this with people with questions, and encourage them in there work with BT.

Sincerely yours,


komies, 9 years ago

I forgot that there was a volume on each layer, so , forget my proposal of checkbox

vincent, 9 years ago


The audio channel of your video layer has to be decoded before it can be exported. This also requires a codec.

Set the VOLUME properties of all video and audio layers to 10 to prevent audio mixing issues. Sometimes the realtime audio mixer behaves differently than the one used for exporting, resulting in a silent movie.

michiel, 9 years ago

I understand that if a video has not a correct codec, I couldn't see it at all in BT.
If it has, I can see it and hear it. That is what I get at this time. I can see and hear the video when played in BT.
Then, I'm supposed to have all correct codecs for this format.
What is strange, is when rendered in any compressed or not compressed format and that audio volume is at 10, I have no sound at all in the output file.
What is different between played show in BT and its output ?

Jeep35, 9 years ago

I think I'll go crazy : ALL IS WORKING RIGHT THIS AFTERNOON on my PC!
And I didn't install or uninstall any program, my Windows7 was no updated (I decide WHEN it updates), I even no restarted my PC which ran from yesterday without stop.
I just verify for a new test that the Volume property was set to 10 as suggested by Michiel. It was. So I didn't modify anything and I exported my video in uncompressed AVI. Surprisingly the result was a sound video!
I also tried with an export of compressed AVI with the Codec Cinepak Radius. And the result IS A SOUND VIDEO!!!
These 2 tests were made with an original MOV video and an original AVI video.
I am a bit bothered to ask Michiel : why does it work? :)
Is my action to activate the volume property which made available something?

My tests helped me to discover a little bug :
- ask an export video as compressed AVI
- give it a name
- choose a codec encoder (I chose Cinepak Radius)
- and click on CANCEL...
The video is created on your HDD despite your cancel command.

Unless I have this problem again, I think that this thread is closed.
Thank you everybody for your help.

Apolinaire, 9 years ago

Good to hear it works now!

Jeep35, I don't know. Only one who can answer that is the company that developed the codec.

michiel, 9 years ago

Thank you Michiel
After more and more tries, the "problem"comes from AAC audio formats embedded int the videos.
If you add a choice for this audio format in the drivers dialog, does it could solve the problem ?

Jeep35, 9 years ago

What happens when you select an AAC codec for the video format?

michiel, 9 years ago

Great catch Jean Pierre,

I tried to force the .aac to play with the lav audio and ffdshow audio codec in the codec tweak tool with no prevail.

With the addition of .aac to the drivers it would stand to reason that this also would not work, because you are actually doing the same.

Aac doesn't export in Blufftitler, no matter which codec is used.

komies, 9 years ago

Thank you Michiel and Komies to try to solve this case.
I use to work with a MPEG-4 codec named x264vfw x264vfw. It's very well known in the video world. I use it in any NLE software even in conversion mode.
The problem is that it doesn't appear in the dropdown list of the drivers neither Divx or other known codecs. How is built the dropdown list ? In other software all codecs on my PC appear as usable but not in BT
Anyway, I don't want to spend too much time on this as I don't use many video imports with audio so I'll use an alternate way to solve these cases.

Jeep35, 9 years ago

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