NextPreviousHomeCan we have a new title type please

Peter8989 | 9 years ago | 15 comments | 2.0K views

Can you make a template where all the letters that make up the title seem to float on the screen aimlessly and slowly they move to form the title. I used one in Boris Graffiti many years ago and I found it really superb. The background was a light blue pastel shade with a striking and matching colour for the letters floating about. Mind you the background could also be with a suitable slide or video. If you had some templates like that type I would definitely buy it asap. You have marvellous titles and as soon as I see suitable templates I will buy more. I make home movies so my requirements are just for home movies. Nothing too elaborate to detract from the movie storyline. Thanking you sincerely,
Peter van Dort.
Hoping for your positive response.

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Have you already played around with the JUMBLE property of the text layer?

Maybe when you start with huge values (outside the range of the sliders) and slowly move to the default value (0,0,0) this is what you are looking for.

michiel, 9 years ago

Attached is a clip of the type of title show I would like in one of your new packs to come out soon. I used an ocean view of the water as a background and placed the letters across the background. It is simple but quite effective and I would like to use Bluff Titler all the time.
By the way, can I insert Japanese characters into the Christmas/New year bix pack18 please? If so, how do I do tha? I tried to insert but ended with a square block for each character!! Can you please assist?
Peter van Dort.

PS Give the youtube clip about another 40 minutes to upload.

Peter8989, 9 years ago

Nice effect!

Do you mean that you have found out how to make the effect you were looking for? Or is there still something missing?

michiel, 9 years ago

To use Japanese characters you have to select a font that supports it.

A font that supports Japanese characters is @Arial Unicode MS. I believe it comes with Microsoft Word.

Choose MEDIA > CHANGE FONT to change the font. You can do this in any show, including all the BixPack templates!

michiel, 9 years ago

Hi Michiel, I had made that in an old Boris Graffiti software that is not compatible with the new software that I have (Adobe CS6). However, I am using Bluff titler with great satisfaction and I am hoping that you might be able to do something similar in a new Bixpaxk - 19 or 20 or 21 perhaps? It would be grand if you would assist. Thanks.

Peter8989, 9 years ago

Hi Michiel,
Much thanks for the tip re Arial Unicode MS for use of Japanese characters. I will try that next time.
Prettige Kerstdagen en een gelukkig en voorspoedig nieuwjaar

PS: Success!!! Thanks! Now I wait for your version of the floating letters show.

Peter8989, 9 years ago

You can recreate this effect by animating the SPACING, CHARACTER SIZE and TRANSPARENCY properties of the text layer. I have attached a demo show to this article for you to play around with. Click on the DOWNLOAD MEDIA FILES button at the top to download it. I hope this can get you started.

michiel, 9 years ago

Hi Michiel, This is what makes Bluff Titler people great and why many happy users love your work. Many thanks for the download show. I have downloaded it and will play around with it soon. Thanks for the gratis show. Looking forward to your next Bizpack.

Peter8989, 9 years ago

Hi Michiel, I have not been successful at all. I tried to change the text (from the show but I am unable to get it to work. That is from English to Japanese text. It keeps on saying that Bluff Titler cannot handle Arial Unicode MS font. Is there something that I have missed? Please advise if you have the time - close to Christmas as it is., Thanks. Peter

Peter8989, 9 years ago

I tried Japanese text in the 1st template of BixPack 18 ( and experienced no problems. You can see a screenshot at the top of this page. Here's what I did:

1) I clicked on the CHANGE ALL FONTS button in the upper right of the render window and changed all fonts to Arial Unicode MS

2) I clicked on the CHANGE ALL TEXTS button in the upper right of the render window and entered the following texts:

(According to Google translate this says Merry Christmas and a happy new year).

I hope this info helps.

michiel, 9 years ago

Hi Michiel, For some reason, I cannot get the change of font oand after that change all text but the font then goes back to Georgia, .to stay as Arial Unicode MS. Every change I attempt it reverts to Georgia as the font and it doesn't recognise Arial Unicode MS. Is there some update that I am missing I wonder. I tried it once and I called out success but when I opened it up all I got were square boxes where the Japanese type was earlier

Peter8989, 9 years ago

A rectangular box means that the font does not support the character. You must be using a different version of the Arial Unicode MS font.

There's also an "@Arial Unicode MS" font. Same name, only starting with an @. Have you already tried this one?

michiel, 9 years ago

Here's a page of free Japanese fonts.

I tried GenEi and it works great:

michiel, 9 years ago

Hello Michiel, I have tried searching for the "" @Arial Unicode MS"" font but to no avail. It does not seem to be available. Would you have such a font?

Please disregard all of the above. I went into Bluff Titler and changed the default font from Georgia to Arial Unicode MS and it works well. I tried and tested three different Christmas Bixpack shows and every show worked well. Thank you very much for your continued help tg me. I really appreciate it very much. Peter.

Peter8989, 9 years ago

Good to hear it works now. Merry Christmas!

michiel, 9 years ago

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