NextPreviousHomeLens flare positioning

Alleyoop | 9 years ago | 5 comments | 1.6K views

Hi, at the moment I'm working on Bix 05_numberOne.
I want to duplicate the Lens Flare and change the lateral position and angle of the effect. It has a Positions tab, but it doesn't change the lateral on screen position. Nothing does as far as I can tell. Any suggestions?

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A lens flare is always attached to a point light layer.

I think moving this light with its POSITION property is the effect you are looking for.

michiel, 9 years ago

Oh, I was trying to move the lens flare POSITION property. I'll try the point light.

Alleyoop, 9 years ago

No, I'm afraid the Position parameter on lensFlare with Point Light doesn't allow me to reposition the flare laterally either. The pivot point for the lens flare always seems to be in the centre of screen and I don't know how to change that.

Alleyoop, 9 years ago

The lens flare elements are placed on the line that goes through the point light and the centre of the screen. You can change the point light position, but not the centre of the screen. I believe this is how it works with real lenses in real cameras as well.

michiel, 9 years ago

I see, ok, thanks.

Alleyoop, 9 years ago

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