irina1208 | 9 years ago | 2 comments | 1.5K views
Hi everyone,
Finally I upgrade my BluffTitler.
Problem is - I can't open all my old shows, templates and everything.
How I can do that?
Any help will be really appreciated.
You can open a show in the following 4 ways:
-choose the menu item FILE > OPEN SHOW...
-click on the OPEN SHOW... button
-double click on the .bt show file
-drag and drop the .bt show file on BluffTitler's render window
Realize that there's no difference between a show and a template: they are both .bt files and are opened in the same way.
michiel, 9 years ago
Thanks Michiel, you're my hero! :-)
irina1208, 9 years ago
2 articles 3.7K views
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