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Per | 16 years ago | 7 comments | 2.8K views

Is the format of the BT files documented somewhere? :)

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A BT file is a simple text format. You can examine it by opening it in Notepad or any other text editor.

I do not advise you to build show files from scratch, but instead use the BluffTitler GUI to create templates. Finding out which lines in the file your (web) application has to adjust to make it dynamic isn't that difficult.

There's no page in the user guide that describes the file format, but if you have a specific question I'd be happy to find the answer for you.

michiel, 16 years ago

I know they are text files, I have been editing them from time to time, and many arguments are easy to deduct from comparing shows, but some of them are a bit obscure.

I was trying to see if i couldn't edit a file to add some exsisting texts to a container (so I wouldn't have to do it over again - but that didn't work :)

Per, 16 years ago

The tag for the parent layer is PAL. If layer 5 of your show is a container layer, you can attach any other layer to it by changing the line:




Problem is that positions now have become relative to the container layer so you probably will have to adjust some position (POS) properties as well. Same thing for the rotations (ROT).

michiel, 16 years ago

What does PHY in the camera layer stand for? :)

Per, 16 years ago

The PHY tag is the physics/tweening effect:

0 Constant Speed
1 Accelerate
2 Decelerate
3 Accelerate and Decelerate
4 Damper
5 Bouncer
6 Outside
7 Pumping
8 Pingpong
9 No Animation
10 Bezier Spline
11 Overhauser Spline

michiel, 16 years ago

We are currently adding an ATTACH ACTIVE LAYER TO A CONTAINER LAYER menu item. Will be released next monday.

This way you no longer have to hack show files. I admit, that was an unforgivable missing feature.

michiel, 16 years ago

Ah, very nice.

Per, 16 years ago

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