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luis1966 | 16 years ago | 3 comments | 3.1K views

Michiel, all what you explained me worked perfectly using screen 1 with tool window as the work window and using the screen 2 as maximized/fullscreen control monitor.
But now, how can I do to transmit in real time what you see in screen 2 to the final source, a Television or Projector for example. Is there a solution?

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Isn't that as easy as unplugging your second monitor and plugging in your TV, projector, beamer, broadcast system, scanconverter, framestore, keyer or whatever?

michiel, 16 years ago

Yes Michiel, I agree totally with you. But for the purpose I want to use it, I needed if it is possible to connect a third destination which will be normally a big LCD Television.
I explain why, we will have a Futsal Tournament in June, and 1screen and 2screen are supposed to be on the control desk in the hall where matches will take place and filmed, but the LCD Television will be outside the game area in another room, we call it "Buvette", where you get to eat and drink, so that our people working there, so as spectators and players can continue following the event. I hope you understand what I mean.
We did it last year but without the video titling effects, and I would be great if we could do with this year.
In my opinion I need an screen2 with an video output (audio is not important), I think it exists but not easy to find.

luis1966, 16 years ago

thank you ernst, this idea is better than finding a Monitor with video output which seems very difficult and probably also cheaper. I also thougt about using a sort of "Mix table". "ein kleiner Mischpult" if you understand german, because your name sounds so :)

luis1966, 16 years ago

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