crator | 9 years ago | 4 comments | 1 like | 2.2K views
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Hello everybody.
I am new to Blufftitler.
I am using version 11.
I would like to know if there is a way to copy a layer from project A (a bt file) to a different project B (another bt file).
Delete all layers in project A except for the layer(s) that you would like to export. Save the show (careful not to write over your original file).
Open project B and set your timeline marker to the point that you would like your imported layers from project A to begin.
Now merge project A into project B by pressing Control M on your keyboard. If project A is longer than project B, project B will be extended to accommodate the length of the imported layers of project A.
That's it! Good luck!
IntroChamp, 9 years ago
In project A, should I also delete the default layers that exist in all new projects (Camera, Ambient Light, Point Light)?
They already exist in project B.
crator, 9 years ago
Thank you.
crator, 9 years ago