Alleyoop | 9 years ago | 2 comments | 1.4K views

Hi, I'm applying a mist effect to a title picture and I want it to be quite subtle. The effect goes too fast, the blobs come out too fast, like boiling water. I've tried many different settings to try and slow it down, spread, launch speed, specularity etc, but I can't seem to get it to slow down.
Also, I'd like to apply the effect more to the bottom half of the picture than the top half. Is there a mask tool or some effect I can apply to reduce transparency on the top half of the photo?
Thank you.

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When you say "blobs" do you mean the 3D BLOBS layer style as you set with the 1st dropdown below the textbox?

I think 2D RECTANGLES works better to create mist, in combination with the Textures/Particle_Cloud.png texture and the Effects/NotLightenedSubtractive or Effects/NotLightenedAdditive effect.

The initial speed is controlled by the LAUNCH SPEED property. After launch it is simulated by the GRAVITY property.

Maybe you can launch the particles from another picture and let them fly upwards (by using a gravity like (0,1,0)). This way they are automatically less visible at an higher altitude.

You can make this other picture (the launch platform) invisible by applying the Effects/Invisible effect.

michiel, 9 years ago

No, sorry, I didn't mean those blobs, it was just a word I used to describe the circular effect of the mist. I have used the 2d rectangles.
Thank you for your suggestions, I will work on those. In the meantime I exported the effect as a movie and imported it into my NLE and used a 60% time warp. Not a bad result.
Thanks again.

Alleyoop, 9 years ago

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