J.Lyric | 9 years ago | 4 comments | 1.6K views
A problem i've been having with BT version I hope someone can help me with this. Videos render as Reflections for some reason. Not sure why. Is it a bug? Cause I sure think it is. If not, then what is it?
Which effect does your video layer use?
You can see this by:
1) selecting the video layer
2) choosing MEDIA > CHANGE EFFECT...
michiel, 9 years ago
Realize that the best effects are created by accident. I have never tried using a video as a reflectionmap. This sounds like something that could create super spectacular results, I think you should treat this as a "happy little accident" and exploit it. I would love to see the result!!!
michiel, 9 years ago
It's no effect. It just happens.
J.Lyric, 9 years ago
Your video layer must be using a reflectionmapping effect. Otherwise it's impossible that your video is used as a reflectionmap.
When you select the video layer and choose MEDIA > CHANGE EFFECT you probably see that it is using the Reflectionmap effect.
When you change this to, for example, NotLightened it will render normally.
michiel, 9 years ago