NextPreviousHomeHow to exceed BT's Maximum Text characters in one layer?

Changa | 9 years ago | 6 comments | 1.9K views

Hello there, wonderful BT Team.

I use BT 11.2 and would like to know if anyone knows a way to
increase the Max. text Characters' number in one layer.

I've got a project with a lot of text, and it's not pasting in its' whole
for one layer (Yes, it's very important for me in one layer).
It will solve a lot (A LOT!!!) of work for me.

If i must manipulate the software in some way, i wish to know how.
I don't mind to edit some codes, or files for that matter.

Thank you, Changa.

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Here's a discussion about this:

michiel, 9 years ago

Yes, Thank you about the pervious post Michiel,
but can i (Please...) get directions to pass through this limitation.
I think, my computer will handle another 1000 characters.

If this limitation is editable, i wish to know- I will not blame BT for crashing, only me. ;-)

Thank you, Changa.

Changa, 9 years ago

It will not crash. It will only run very slow, use a lot of memory and produce bad quality output if you do not have enough video memory.

We regularly create custom versions for specific projects. If you are interested in turning this into a project please contact us by e-mail:

michiel, 9 years ago

Ok, contacting you. Thank you.

Changa, 9 years ago

Changa you are a lucky man, it's the first time i hear of custom versions.

vincent, 9 years ago

Michiel, I've contacted your support, and waiting for your answer.

Changa, 9 years ago

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