Sascha Theel | 9 years ago | 3 comments | 2 likes | 1.9K views
persiana and Vanlen like this!
Hi friends,
since I offered my service to create free MP3 jingles for your BT-projects, they will be regularly released whenever I finish a new one.
What I could need therefore, is a nice looking template (BT 12 beta is ok), so I could provide a YouTube preview, too, for each new jingle.
The only thing I would need to change, then, is the text with the new title. (BT Jingle #003, #004 and so on)
So if you have a little spare time left, I am curious for your entries. :-)
Thank you,
I'm not good at templates, but I can't wait to see what some of the pros that put their samples online daily can offer you. By the way, thanks so much for your jingles that you are kindly letting us use for BT projects.
Vanlen, 9 years ago
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