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terrypin | 10 years ago | 4 comments | 1.8K views

As you see, I have only 3 keys for my text layer, yet animation of Text Position continues after key 3. What am I missing please?

Terry, East Grinstead, UK

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maybe your camera is moving...

vincent, 10 years ago

Thanks vincent. Yes, there is a key set for the camera, later than key 3 of the text position. I see it now -
the TEXT is NOT moving!
Terry, East Grinstead, UK

terrypin, 10 years ago

I have a question about keys, are you only allowed 3 per layer ? I tried to add more and it didn't seem to let me.

MrGruntHunter, 10 years ago


Yes, you can add any number (subject to duration and frame rate).

With the layer and the property selected, such as a Text layer and the Position property, move the marker to the time point at which you want to set your key, adust the position settings, and click the Create Key button.

Terry, East Grinstead, UK

terrypin, 10 years ago

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