NextPreviousHomeHow do i get particle layer to model so the models show?

chaver | 10 years ago | 2 comments | 1.8K views

How do i get particle layer to model so the models show?I dont see the model when i do it

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I am trying to understand:

You have a model in your model layer and you attached particles to the active layer, and now the particles make the model unseen?

Goto the particle layer
then to the Layer Propeties Listbox

first you can bring the transparency up If you do not want it to be transparent.

secondly bring down the emission, so you have less particles

thirdly bring down the maximum age, so the particles will have a shorter life.

fourthly change launch speed, so the particle move away from the object.

fithly lower particle size, so the particles are smaller.

sixthly clone model layer, apply invisible.fx F9 attach particles on this layer and move the layer back in space by the third slider of the position setting.

seventhly change to a 2d effect in first of the Three Layer Listbox

I hope any of the 7 options have the right outcome.

komies, 10 years ago

Thank you very much for you help :)

chaver, 10 years ago

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