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maxste | 16 years ago | 5 comments | 4.1K views

I've been trying without success to load a jpg image into Bluff Titler. Instead of the picture I just get a blank white panel. I've tried to adjust the transparancy and positioning, all without the desired result. I just want to have one of my own images placed in the background of the title screen. Your advice please.

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All you have to do is pressing the ADD PICTURE LAYER.. button.

Are the pictures that come with the installer (from the media/textures folder) working fine?

Maybe you are running out of video memory because your picture is too big. Modern photo cameras can easily create pictures with resolutions higher than 4000 pixels, which is nice for printing, but way too much for video. Remember, PAL is 720 pixels and the highest HD resolution is only 1920 pixels.

I advise you to scale down the picture in a paint application and try again.

michiel, 16 years ago

And remember that all pictures have to be stored as uncompressed textures on your graphics card. A JPG picture might be small in bytes, but the number of pixels is the only thing that counts. For example a picture with a resolution of 4096 x 3072 pixels always takes up 48 MB, no matter its filesize. Look up the amount of video memory your graphics card has and you can see the problem.

Realize that by quadrupling the horizontal resolution the number of pixels increases 4x4=16 times!!! A resolution of 1024 x 768 only requires 3 MB (3x16=48)

michiel, 16 years ago

Steve, how are you trying to load a jpg image into Bluff Titler?

I had the same problem you are having, but I was trying to load a picture using the wrong protocol. I was trying to change texture using the change texture icon and the tool bar Media (or the F9 key) but I had no texture layer to be changed.

I finally found the right tool bar. Using the tool bar, open Layer and select Add Picture Layer Or look for the Add Picture icon. Either of these will bring up an explorer for you to find and choose your jpg image.

Alternately, you may have added your jpg image as a F9 Change Texture and Effect If you use the slider bar to change your font, you may be able to see your image through or inside the text, not as a background layer of the title screen.

One good thing about BluffTitler files is that I can change them, but if I dont like the changes by the time I finish, I simply dont save the changes when I close the file. If I do like the changes I do a save as and give my file a new name. This way the original file stays the way it was and my new file is saved with a new name

Cinde, 16 years ago

Thanks to all. I'm going to try reducing the jpg size (currently 4592 X 3256) as suggested by Michiel and see if that works for me. I suspect the answer is there as these are very large files. Thanks again.

maxste, 16 years ago

Thank you. You were absolutely correct with the suggestion to change the jpg size. Thank you for your response and asistance with this issue. Problem solved.
Thanks also to Cinde for the suggestion. Being an unskilled "newbie" to Bluff Titler it's these little details which demand the most attention.
Thanks again for your help and prompt responses.
Cheers and Happy New Year;

maxste, 16 years ago

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