sfwriter | 10 years ago | 5 comments | 1.9K views
Attached is a sample show I created showing a cubemap. I also included the cubemap in the Horizontal Cross format so you can see what I'm using. I would have uploaded the show but the zip file is too large.
Original Image:
Following your directions of:
Here's what you have to do:
1) choose LAYER > ADD LAYER > ADD PICTURE LAYER and select your DDS texture
2) set the 1st dropdown below the textbox to SPHERE
3) set the 2nd dropdown below the textbox to SKYBOX
4) make sure the CubeMapDDS.fx effect is selected in the F9 dialog
Why does the picture enlarge to the point it's unusable due to the pixelation? I tried changing the Field of View and Arm length but of course that distorts it when rotating.
Are there certain size images you should use to create a skybox depending on the resolution of your show?
Now that if have seen what you are trying to achief, here some suggestions.
blufftitler can be 3d so use it by using layer on layer.
1. get a hires detailed starfield picture and use this as spheremap (background)
2. attach particle leds, adjust color, particle size, particle age, number of....
you can copy this layer and change it a little for better effect.
3. get hires detailed image of nebula's (Hubble)
place them as small images on big transparent image (png)
add this picture as sphere and make it as big as possible
you can do this again with other nebula's and make the sphere a little but noticeably smaller.
4. get hires picturemaps of planets place them as spheres (different sizes)on a trajectory (keep them small)
5. set your camera position on a starting point, the next point will be the centre of your first planet and set your arm length at an orbital position so you can rotate around this planet you can do 2 or 3 flybys before going to the next.
have fun making and playing with this
komies, 10 years ago
Thanks Komies!
I got steps 1 and 2 the way I want it. However, I have a question regarding the other layers. How do I get these other layers to appear "behind" the primary star layer?
I created the layer in step 3 as you specified. I made a transparent image the same size as the starfield image and then pasted extremely hi-res pics of space items on it and shrunk them down considerably. They look really good but they are appearing over my other items.
If I set the pic as "Sphere/3D in Background/Flat" it disappears and changing the Z position does nothing.
sfwriter, 10 years ago
most far outer layer:
the skybox or skymap is the edge of your enviroment this is it;s function so you cannot place anything behind it. Therefore I suggestest to use a simple starfield with no planets, nubula or galaxies on it to act as the far far distance.
still far layers:
Now you can work within this bubble (enviroment) and place objects like nubula's and galaxies to simulate objects that appear to be closer and when you rotate your camera depth effect will by apparent one or two layers at a diffent size sphere will sell this effect.
layers you can orbit:
the planets
in short:
there will be a bubble in a bubble in a bubble, where the skybox is your outer limit egde of your enviroment, then the smaller bubble with the galaxies nebula, and then the small planet bublle's you can orbit.
komies, 10 years ago
Thanks for the info. I really appreciate it.
sfwriter, 10 years ago