sfwriter | 10 years ago | 3 comments | 2.9K views
There has been mention in recent, and not so recent posts, about using SketchUp to obtain a wealth of 3D models.
I went ahead and gave it a shot but it's not working out for me too well.
I installed the free version of SketchUp, which is called "SketchUp Make". It seemed counter productive to purchase SketchUp for $595 just to obtain "free" models.
I located all the free models via "3D Warehouse".
The problems began when I attempted to install the "3D RAD" plugin which would allow me to export the model into .x format. I can't seem to figure out how to do this in the "SketchUp Make" version. The programs file directory is different than the 3D RAD instructions show.
Can any one assist me in how to install the 3D RAD plugin (or any plugin that will allow me to export to .x format) using "SketchUp Make"?
Yo tengo instalado el SketchUp 8 y si me permite 3D RAD, te aconsejo que instales esta versión
crispin, 10 years ago
Thanks! I uninstalled SketchUp Make and installed SketchUp v8 and the 3D RAD plugin and it works great. I really appreciate your help.
Mi intento de traducción española :
Gracias ! He desinstalado SketchUp Marca y v8 SketchUp instalado y el plugin 3D RAD y funciona muy bien . Realmente aprecio su ayuda.
sfwriter, 10 years ago
Except it's saying I only have 3 hours left of the evaluation and then I have to purchase Sketch Up Pro 2015. Am I missing something here? This doesn't seem to be "free models" like it's been mentioned in this gallery.
sfwriter, 10 years ago