NextPreviousHomeExpertise on globe effect????

jmarkt | 16 years ago | 3 comments | 3.4K views

Can anyone help with a globe effect I would like to accomplish? I would like for the globe to move from right to left, while rotating, and becoming larger as it crosses the screen?

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Hi Jmarkt,

You can easily move the globe with the POSITION property, Rotate it with the ROTATION property, and scale it with the SIZE property. It pretty much works the same as a Text Layer.

You can download some samples of Globe Effects's from the Gallery if you like.

Cheers Dittmar

Tukkermando, 16 years ago

Thanks, Dittmar, for the response. Movement/rotation using POSITION/ROTATION/SIZE works well with some of the globe projects; however, the one I was working with (, rotation/movement is controlled by the CAMERA layer...a somewhat more daunting task for me???

jmarkt, 16 years ago

Moving the camera is not that difficult, its almost the same as I described above. If you want to make an object bigger in size, just move the camera towards the object (globe). You can move the camera towards the globe also with the POSITION property (bottom slider is the Z-position). Good luck!

Tukkermando, 16 years ago

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