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snafu | 10 years ago | 10 comments | 3 likes | 2.0K views

sfwriter, John (ProComGer) and Jeep35 like this!

I think it is time to give back to this Gallery the purpose that was created for, which was to help others in the design of shows based in Blufftitler.

Lately in my opinion, most of the show-offs here, are not achieving that goal, and are published with the excuse of "inspiration", whereas there is a lot of Inspiration not just here, but elsewhere in the Web, and the excuse is always a "possible" transgression of supposed royalties.

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Yes. I have to agree that more download shows would be great.
Then, especially newbies can have an easier start into BluffTitler.
If more shows have a download link, users can test the shows by their own.
It's simple "learning by doing".

John (ProComGer), 10 years ago

I do agree with snafu and John. 90% of the gallery is occupied with shows that do not bring any help to new users. They are there to promote sales by their authors. When we see messages in the shows where you are invited to have "Your name here" or "Your slogan here" they are not for beginners but to search new customers.

Jeep35, 10 years ago

If you look at all the downloadable shows in this gallery + all bixpack available in this site i think you'll have more than 1000 bt files where you can find idea to build cool shows.

vincent, 10 years ago

These bigger shows may contain copyrighted materials, like video, pictures, textures, models and fonts.

They can be very inspirational and fun to find out by trail and error how they did it and you can always ask the artist.

You can buy a bixpack and learn alot from them but "YOU MAY NOT USE ALL TO SHARE FREELY", like effects.

The solution is:
A pre approved pack from michiel with non copyrighted materials so you can put a show-off version video and a (CTRL-A) copyright free .zip show if you wanted to.

But I get the point of sharing and learning from others, and when I need a show in a short time I use a Bixpack and make it in minutes but it's just not so fulfilling for me.

Creating a show from scratch is still the best thing, creatively and learning wise and they do not all have to be broadcast ready, over 100+ layers difficult, jawdroping beautiful, precise edited shows.

Just start with an idea and try to work it out and posted it here, and get pointers, praise, suggestions for later shows and so on, and so on BUT YOU NEED TO POST, so you and others can benefit from it.

komies, 10 years ago

Komies, the rules of this Gallery are very clear about copyright, but it cannot be used as a excuse to help others.

Of course you can find thousand of downloadable shows here, but as Vincent points out, most of them are to promote sales, and some authors use this Gallery as a free publicity for selling their works, in fact I requested help from one of them and required me to pay him an exagerated quantity of money.

snafu, 10 years ago

Before this becomes a long and lively debate,

A. You can't force someone to give help on this forum.
B. Most artist had to figure it out by themselfs too, especially in the early days
C. I am glad with any idea, concept or show here on this forum, It inspires me to try and make better shows of my own and hope that this will not stop.
D. To everyone: make a Blufftitler show, and put it on this forum, so we can see what ills and we can help you on project to project bases. I speak for myself now in saying that I will help you the best I can.
E. Let others on this forum see you are willing to put in the time and effort to create. It will help and motivated me as well to give support.
F. More often than not I'am not willing to know how things are done or made, it deprives me the chance to figure it out by myself.
G. I see this gallery as a forum to share ideas and concepts what is in the realm of possibilities, and every time I am amazed what can be done with little time and effort.
H. I don't see this gallery as a free template site.
I. I love the fact you can acutally ask, make requests and get response from the maker of this software.
J. I love it when Michiel or Artist is wondering themselfs how others have made a show, Within it something they did not consider or are amazed about.

To avoid the copyright law trap, I hope Michiel will concider this pre approved media pack, so that with change all textures, font you can easilly change your show so it can be posted here and will have a uniform look that will also help by screening for gallery violations.

To ask from creators to give detailed tutorials as click here click there, This texture can be found here, or is made with this program and here is how you do it step by step approach will more often take more time to make than the show itself.

I Know, i know it is long winded but I would really be disapointed if anyone doesn't feel appreciated here BECAUSE I DO value it all.

Long Live Buff,

komies, 10 years ago

I agree with snafu. I think many of us would be better served with a either a small forum where we can have sub forums for show-offs and shared work and such, or at the very least, a separate gallery for them.

It's very discouraging as a newbie to BT that I find some excellent examples of what I would like to do but the creator refuses to share their work.

I'm thinking about taking the plunge to Adobe AE because even though the learning curve is much steeper than BT, there is a vast amount of detailed tutorials and shared work to be had. Every spare moment I have had lately I've been going through this gallery and the user guide and just playing around with BT but there just isn't enough shared work out there for us newbies not to get frustrated.

sfwriter, 10 years ago

I totally agree with the previous comments. As someone struggling to learn BT constantly, I find 'your name here' advertisements a waste of time without access to the .bt file. I have offered to pay a few times for the .bt, but it has never been accepted.

I don't even run these shows - watching prebuilt shows is what youtube is for and I have no interest is watching such shows if I cannot see how they work (or buy the file so I can learn).

BT is an amazing tool - but the UI makes it, by its very nature, difficult to learn. This is not a criticism - it is amazing how much functionality has been built into the UI - but it make learning a challenge.

Much of what BT can do is also down to the imagination of the people who really understand it and for me, without being able to see how people have done some of the incredible things they have done makes it virtually impossible to learn.

stbo, 10 years ago

Please realize that asking Carlos for step-by-step instructions is like asking Rembrandt how he painted De Nachtwacht. I'm sure Rembrandt would not know where to start either.

What works better is to ask a specific question like this: how did you do that red effect at 0:03?

If you ask the right way, you will always get an answer. Good examples are the questions John asked here:

michiel, 10 years ago

By the way SNAFU - Since you have been around a fair amount of time and seemed to do nothing but whinge......

Where has YOUR help to others been?

Where are your shows?

Where are your tutorials?

Where are your videos even?

Your approach could be considered rude and arrogant, and I'm sorry but that has to be said..... people help because they want to. I have NEVER turned down anyone who asked for help and have always tried to contribute as have others.

I started when there was even less help available and had to figure it out so I appreciate that many struggle and am sure others can attest to, I spent a lot of time answering questions or chipping in where I could. And I am not the only one who did so by a long way!

Threads like this serve no purpose but to get people's backs up and cause ill feeling. Your comments directed at people I know who are great members of the community are insulting and it really is about time someone was honest with you.

You gain far more from being positive and working as a team than trying to divide a forum of otherwise nice people in essence turning them against some of the greatest artists using this fantastic piece of software.

Grow up!

Pixelpanther, 10 years ago

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