persiana | 10 years ago | 9 comments | 11 likes | 2.5K views
liuyongcai, B.Projects, IntroChamp and 8 others like this!
muestra de pase de fotos
Very nice work. I would really like to get the BT file for this because it fits perfectly with the project I'm working on that prompted me to purchase BT to begin with.
sfwriter, 10 years ago
un saludo persiana ,como siempre en la misma linea de trabajo ....Bien ;-)
para evitar dudas soy Roque me e vuelto a registrar con nueva licencia y vuelvo poco a poco al trabajo . Cuidateee
B.Projects, 10 years ago
I'm not sure if my inquiry will translate well into Persianas language but I would like to know if he is willing to share this show? As I stated it's perfect for my existing project.
Can someone please translate that for him? I don't trust Google Translator not to screw it up.
As an alternative, is anyone familiar with a similar show that is shareable?
sfwriter, 10 years ago
Like it for two reasons - great look and of course, Winter Sports!
skier, 10 years ago
Sfwriter, perdona por no haber comentado antes a tu pregunta.
Ya entendí tu pregunta pero siento no poder complacerte, pues todos los shows que hago son para uso personal. Quizá algún dia me decida, ya que otros usuarios también me lo han pedido.
persiana, 10 years ago