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floriannienzo | 10 years ago | 4 comments | 1.8K views

can someone please tell me how to choose a video from gallery video browser and have it sent to my pinnacle thxs

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Maybe the help page can help:

michiel, 10 years ago

Click on the DOWNLOADS button on the homepage of the gallery to filter on articles that offer downloads.

michiel, 10 years ago

thxs michiel when i downloads the show in to my computer on the pinnacle file..ans export to the pinnacle studio
i only have image downloaded no videos
clicking download ok then what should i do next thxs

floriannienzo, 10 years ago

Maybe you have tried to open the BluffTitler .bt file in Pinnacle.

This does not work. You have to open it in BluffTitler first and export it as a video file: choose FILE > EXPORT AS MOVIE.

After you have exported your show as a video file you can import it in any video editing app including Pinnacle Studio.

michiel, 10 years ago

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