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videomike | 10 years ago | 5 comments | 2.4K views

I cannot seem to be able to bring the active layer either forward or backward in my show. I am using the latest version of bluff titler and I am using a jpeg in place of the background picture that is the basis for the show. I also cannot seem to be able to isolate the jpeg so as to control it by itself. I have not put it in a container, but when I apply controls to the picture, these controls affect everything. What am I doing wrong?

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You can move layers around by holding down the ALT key and pressing the [ and ] keys.

Layers are by default sorted by their type: camera layers first, then the lights,... This makes it easier to find layers because you know that the camera layer is always on top.

If you do not like this you can unmark the SORT LAYERS ON LAYER TYPE checkbox in the SETTINGS > GENERAL OPTIONS... dialog. This way you can sort the layers exactly as you want.

michiel, 10 years ago

What do you mean with "affect everything"?

When you adjust the ROTATION property of your picture layer only this picture layer rotates.

Or have you marked the ALL LAYERS checkbox?

michiel, 10 years ago

Thank you for getting back. Yes, I can rotate the picture as you said; but what I want to do is show the picture completely non transparently, in the background, and with the other elements in front. It doesn't seem to matter if I try to move the picture into the background. If the picture is completely opaque, the other elements just don't show. Also, I tried to move the picture layer up to the top, to no avail. And I am not sure why that would even make a difference.

videomike, 10 years ago

Have you tried switching to 3D IN BACKGROUND (2nd dropdown below the textbox)?

michiel, 10 years ago

Magic! Thank you very much. Again.

videomike, 10 years ago

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