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heartsongwriter | 16 years ago | 4 comments | 6.0K views

Has any one had any luck creating your own .eps files that you have used with BT. I have tried adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Flash, and have had no luck. If you have had success, what program did you use, or if you have a secret in using the ones i mentioned above. I would greatly appreciate your assistance

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EPS support in BluffTitler is limited: only filled shapes built out of lines and curves are imported.

More details and a list of recommended programs can be found on the EPS page of the user guide:

michiel, 16 years ago

Those programs you listed make eps files that are too big for BT. Stick with the ones recommended in the user guide.

I use potrace. It works very well and it's only slightly tricky to learn :-) Keep your eps files under about 7-8KB and you should be okay.

kf_daddy, 16 years ago

I have not had any luck with potrace. I type in the command and the dos window vanishes and there is no error message or .eps file created. Can someone help? thx.

Elect1, 16 years ago

Maybe Maddis' utility can help:

michiel, 16 years ago

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