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krakatoa | 10 years ago | 3 comments | 3.6K views

is it possible to make the background transparent ( invisible)?

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The background is always transparent.

The layers in front of it can make it non-transparent. For example a fullscreen background picture removes all transparency.

You can export your show with transparency information by choosing one of the WITH TRANSPARENCY options in the FILE > EXPORT AS MOVIE... dialog.

michiel, 10 years ago

Thanks for the reply. Still finding my way around this great product.

krakatoa, 10 years ago

Further to my last, others might like to note the the solution from michiel will only work if you have the great Pro version. This option is not available in the Easy version. As a work around if using the Easy version. make the background colour something like a bright green and then use a chroma key filter in your editing software to remove this later. If you are lucky enough to have the PRO version (highly recommended you might also want to look at the tips for exporting movies to other programs as in my case I needed to make a small change when using Sony Vegas to make the alpha channel work.

krakatoa, 10 years ago

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