asidcam | 10 years ago | 1 comment | 1.9K views
How can I change my text effect with a custom CubeMap.DDS made in Bixorama?
When I choose media/change effect, I can find my generated DDS file basically because the effects files are .fx extension. However, if I choose change texture its not the same as the CubeMapDDS effect. Please anybody knows how to do this?
You need 2 things:
1) a texture map
In your case this is a cube map generated with Bixorama with the file extension DDS.
2) a shader
Another name for a shader is an effect or simply an FX. This is a file with the extension FX.
The shader has to match the texture. When you use a DDS cubemap you can use the following effects:
There are many more, but those are the basic ones.
The texture as well as the effect can be selected in the F9 dialog. The same dialog is presented when you:
-press F8
-choose the menu item MEDIA / CHANGE TEXTURE...
-choose the menu item MEDIA / CHANGE EFFECT...
michiel, 10 years ago