NextPreviousHomeRotation of a Container???

jmarkt | 11 years ago | 3 comments | 1.8K views

In an attempt to create a clean, sharp logo, I've placed eight different components within a Container. Included are shapes and text.

The Container layer has no Rotation Centre option, and I'm wondering how/if you can cause the Container to rotate on its own axis, rather than the large sweeping rotation is it now doing? Properly rotating eight different objects in unison would be unmanageable.

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You are missing the ROTATION CENTRE property of the container layer.

We are working hard to launch version 11 at the end of this month. Thank you for your patience!

komies, 11 years ago

Thanks, komies! Didn't catch that one. :>)

jmarkt, 11 years ago

I'm waiting for the same, as some complex effects would really benefit from this.... :)

Pixelpanther, 11 years ago

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