jmarkt | 11 years ago | 7 comments | 2.3K views
How do you make an imported model rotate on its own access?
with rotation sliders
if the model is of axis (doesn't rotate right in de middle you can use the rotation centre slider to correct this, it might be usefull to press F2 so you can see the arrows.
good luck
komies, 11 years ago
Sorry, komies, but what do you mean? No matter what settings I apply to the Rotation Center sliders, the object continues to make large sweeping rotations - it will not rotate "in place"? Seeing the visual with the arrows doesn't seem to help??
jmarkt, 11 years ago
Michiel - At the sake of becoming a real pest, would you please take me out of my misery and produce a quick show, using the attached model, with a simple rotation. I had in mind that it would roll/rotate toward the camera as it became larger.
I understand the F2 process, rotation, etc; however, after making the model larger, I am only able to make it rotate in a larger circle, rather than its own axis! Can't figure it out and feel dumb!
jmarkt, 11 years ago
jmarkt, I downloaded and tried your model.
I think I am seeing the same thing as you. For some reason the model isn't correctly scaled and centred. Maybe because it's too big. I find 20 MB for a sphere suspicious.
When you set the SIZE property to about (150,150,150) and the ROTATION CENTRE to (4.1, 1.7 2.7) you can correct this.
Probably when you reduce the number of triangles you do not have to do this.
However for a sphere I would never use a 3D model, but instead use the picture layer. Creating a texture with the number 8 is much more fun than singing the file incompatibility blues.
michiel, 11 years ago
It has been said that "dogma is the guardian of mystery." Your email jarred me from my rut, and I finally exported the model with "modifiers applied", which reduced the size to 450 kb. As a result, BT is happy and I'm elated!
Thanks, Michiel, for the help AND the wake up call!
jmarkt, 11 years ago
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