Changa | 11 years ago | 7 comments | 2.2K views
The time that is rendered is following the computer time wrongly after output plays. I'm guessing that's because of render time vs Computer clock.
Maybe it's time :-) to create a function that fixes this problem.
When playing the show in realtime sometimes it is necessary to stretch the time a bit on order to keep it playing smooothly. This is especially important for the scroller layer.
Of course the exported video file has the right duration.
michiel, 11 years ago
I've exported a complex scene with timer, and the time just flew away in the timer like a rabbit
Changa, 11 years ago
I mean, when playing the rendered scene, the timer is not running according to realtime
Changa, 11 years ago
I guess i'm no clear at my quastion. Let me ask again, please.
When i want to render a timer animation, i put on 'time' at the textbox.
When i output it to a movie, the time isn't running as in realtime,
becuase the software captures the correct time in the computer.
How can i export an animation timer, let's say a clock animation
that runs like in realtime, counting the seconds, without errors?
Changa, 11 years ago
Changa, 11 years ago
I think what you want is not possible.
Once you have exported a BluffTitler show as a video file, all dynamic content including realtime time information has been fixed and is no longer updated when you play this video file.
The time codes that you can enter in the textbox are only meant for realtime applications.
michiel, 11 years ago