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michaeljennings | 11 years ago | 1 comment | 2.1K views

I'm trying to learn Blufftitler on my own. How is the easiest way to use the Spot Light Effect for text and grahpic on Blufftitler. Thanks for your help...I'll wait to hear back.

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The spotlight effect has been introduced in BixPack 1.

It is not a real spotlight, but something that looks like a spotlight. To use it perform the following 2 steps:
1) press the ADD PICTURE LAYER... button and select VerticalLines3.png
2) press the CHANGE EFFECT... button and select SpotlightCone.fx

Both files are distributed as part of BixPack 1.

After that you can move the spotlight with the POSITION property and ROTATE it with the ROTATION property, just like you do with a normal picture layer.

michiel, 11 years ago

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