snafu | 11 years ago | 5 comments | 2.1K views
How do we know all these show-offs in Utube are based on Blufftitler?
It's easy to put any clip as a background in a very simple Blufftitler show, and with avery few arrangements, convert it in a file, type avi or anyother output for Utube.
So it's hard for you to believe that all those wonderful shows by Dani, Carlos, julio, persiana, chespi650, maitegras, LostBoyz and others have been created with such an affordable piece of software?
Well, we'd be happy to triple the price of BluffTitler if that would make it easier for you :^)
Thank you very much for the compliment!
michiel, 11 years ago
Hi snafu, all my shows purely done with the amazing software BLUFFTITLER only, these shows not came to this gallery easily , there is lot of hard work and sometimes sleepless nights if you believe it or not. I don't even use any NLE for my shows, all are purely BLUFFTITLER output avi files only. My friend if you can spend time with BLUTITLER you can create more beautiful shows than us. it's my personal opinion, if any words hurts you so please forgive me my dear friend. All i can say is "LONG LIVE BLUFFTITLER", Thank you .
yours loving friend,
Dani, 11 years ago
I am not accusing to any specific artist, and of course none of all mentioned in Michiel message.
Sorry for those who feel offended. It wasn't my intention.
It was just a comment, and if you want to raise up the price of Blufftitler, Michiel, is up to you.
snafu, 11 years ago
Don't worry snafu. Relax and enjoy using the application.
And if you have any question about any effect in any video posted in this gallery, do not hesitate to use the comment form.
michiel, 11 years ago
Thank you Michiel, I'm always relaxed.
To tell the truth, I usually check the Gallery to see the comments or articles in it, but when it comes to show offs played for Utube, I almost never play them.
And of course you always help a lot (and others do too) Thanks again.
snafu, 11 years ago