piercey79 | 19 years ago | 7 comments | 8 likes | 6.0K views
paula1, Vung Doan, mayo and 2 others like this!
I am pretty new to all of this, but with Michaels help, produced this. Need some lessons on lighting, I am having trouble getting my head round where the lights are, because you can't see them!!
This animation greatly demonstrates how you can use BluffTitler to bring a 2D logo to life. Well done!
michiel, 19 years ago
A trick to make a light layer visible is to attach a particle system to it. You can do this by selecting the menu item LAYER / ATTACH PARTICLES TO CURRENT LAYER and selecting, for example, the preset SPARKLES in the dialog that follows.
Note that in this animation the light is positioned behind the camera, so you will have to move the light before you can see it.
michiel, 19 years ago
I am curious -- what is the great advantage to using EPS?
Thomasco, 19 years ago
With the EPS layer you can import logos and drawings into BluffTitler and apply the same effects as the text layer to them. In this animation the logo looks like five characters (i-VOX) but if you look closer you will notice that the O and the X are connected and that the X has a small tm (trademark) sign. That's not something you can achieve with a font.
michiel, 19 years ago
Is there a difference between EPS files - as some of them are not recognised by BT?
rsp, 19 years ago
I tried making some using potrace and they didn't work. I also tried using Adobe Photoshop Elements, but it also was not accepted. Maybe if I could reliably convert any graphic to EPS, then yes, I can see that adding a bevel looks nice. How about AI files?
Thomasco, 19 years ago
EPS is a very complex file format, in fact it is more like a programming language. BluffTitler does not claim to be able to import all possible EPS files. It only imports filled shapes built out of lines and curves. All other information like fonts, bitmaps and outlines are ignored.
To create an .EPS file with Potrace that BluffTitler can handle you have to use the -c and -q options. For example to convert the file d:\test.bmp to d:\test.eps type the following from the command prompt:
potrace -c -q d:\test.bmp
You get the best results with a black logo on a white background. The link to Potrace is below. Have fun!
michiel, 19 years ago