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snafu | 11 years ago | 9 comments | 2.2K views

What's the point having in the gallery so many Utube shows, if almost none tells how to develop them with Blufftitler?

Day after day this gallery looks a branch of Utube.

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The point is to get inspired by the work of others.

I would love to see some of your work!

And if you would like to know how it's done you can always ask a question by using the comment form. I'd be happy to answer all your questions about any of my uploads.

michiel, 11 years ago

Inspiration is always around.

My work is humble compare with some artist works, so that is not worthy to be published here.

I like the most all those works that come in the way "play show", because they are very instructive, and of course yours are always really instructive.

When Utube examples are published in this Gallery, I usually skip them, and looks to me that many Blufftitler users do so as well, considering the absence of comments.

snafu, 11 years ago

To be honest I agree with this. I would love there be an option to have the filer 'exclude' - so I could show everything except the youtube showoffs. I would also like there be a filter on the gallery to only show entries that have shows attached.

Learning from attached shows is the best way to learn the system - there is so much that cannot even be documented.

However, I fully get the 'spirit' of BT, so understand that this may not be the way people want to go.


stbo, 11 years ago

the filter already exists (buttons on top of gallery)

vincent, 11 years ago

I don't believe it does.

I cannot say: give me all articles, except show-offs, which have shows attached.

That would be ideal.


stbo, 11 years ago

would be possible replacing buttons by checkbox...

vincent, 11 years ago

Why filter the 'show offs'? Surely you could aspire to be like them? If you don't see what can be accomplished with practice, you will have nothing to aim for. My ability is very minimal but when I see shows by Michiel, LostBoyz, Carlos, Dani, Vincent etc. it makes me want to try harder. I agree that it would be good if somebody did a tutorial explaining how they created their show but they probably don't have the time to do so, which is a shame.

Bald Runner, 11 years ago

Bald Runner, you said it !.

There are not tutorials because most of the shows use software not related or minimally related with Blufftitler, just some of the artist you name on your message, give you an idea or even explain how his show works.

All you have to do is watch their shows, and read the text that come with them.

snafu, 11 years ago

Whilst I agree it is useful to see shows, they are normally so complex that describing them is useless. You look at any of the complex shows and there can be a large number of layers. Unless you can download the show it is pretty much useless - at least for me. This is specifically why I feel these types of filters would be use - those that want to be inspired by shows with no attached .bt files work away - for my I would not normally want to see them.

However I respect people desire to see the show-off shows - so leave them there - just allow me to ignore them if I want.

stbo, 11 years ago

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