macias007 | 11 years ago | 7 comments | 1 like | 2.8K views

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Hello, I need a favor, I have a logo in PNG format, and want to get him to add extrusion BluffTitler, I used the edge effect Volume_Extrude2DPicture.fx but I can not change the color, you could help me with that? I read that could be creating a 3D model X format but can not find a tutorial, and I need your help, thank you very much in advance.

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I assume you want to colour the sides, right?

Why don't you add a coloured edge to your picture in Photoshop?

You can do this (in Photoshop Elements) by:
-selecting the shape by using the magic wand tool
-choosing the menu item EDIT > STROKE OUTLINE SELECTION

michiel, 11 years ago

k amigo se hace de 3 formas en eps en formato x y con font te dejare unos vidoes aqui que ojala sean de tu alluda suerte en tus proyectos son tres videos unos es de un programa cool edit y otro de cinema 4d son 2 videos de cinema

chespi650, 11 years ago

video 1 de cinema

chespi650, 11 years ago

video 2 de cinema

chespi650, 11 years ago

y por ultimo el video con el que yo me inisie en esto de bluff del senior roquelnublo

chespi650, 11 years ago

Muchas gracias ya lo he logrado con el primer video, te lo agradezco.

macias007, 11 years ago

okis dokis bro

chespi650, 11 years ago

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