EYELENE | 11 years ago | 5 comments | 1.8K views
I am trying to create a show with blossom1.
But the three lines of text are not starting at the same time.
How can I line them up evenly?
Plus it's taking too long for the text to spin around and I want it to start sooner.
I went to each layer but just can't seem to figure it out DUH!
The text in Blossom1 was created so that you could repeat phrases that rotates around the y axis. Meaning, you'll have to repeat the text several times in the text box with 8 spaces between each phrase.
The amount of time that you repeat your phrase has everything to do with how long your phrase is.
Be sure that you also add 8 spaces after the last phrase in the text box.
Also be mindful that each text ring rotates at a different rate around the y axis. If you want them to rotate at the same rate, you'll need to change the rotation rate of each to be the same.
EYELENE, you'll need to experiment and play a little but things will begin to make more sense soon :)
IntroChamp, 11 years ago
THANK YOU! I just followed your instructions and it worked.
My very first animation and I'm thrilled.
I know it was so simple but I'm proud of myself.
Can't wait to learn how to do more elaborate stuff.
EYELENE, 11 years ago
Just one more question and I promise not to bother you anymore:
I like the flashes in blossom1 but want to tone it down just a bit so there aren't so many.
I'm assuming that would involve deleting some of those layers?
If so, how would I be able to tell if I have the right layer and then how to delete?
I see they are all named but not sure if I understand what the flashes are called.
EYELENE, 11 years ago
Layer 7 and 12 contain the "flashes". You would simply delete a set of keyframes in the timeline that account for the flash.
Once you see how they are grouped along the timeline it will make sense.
IntroChamp, 11 years ago
Thank you so much for all your help!
EYELENE, 11 years ago