EYELENE | 11 years ago | 4 comments | 2.2K views
I just installed this awesome program and very excited to start creating!
I tried to follow what looks like very simple instructions but when I clicked on the play button nothing happened.
The text didn't even move.
Also, the text is way too big and I can't find where to make it fit the window.
Are there any learning videos for this program for beginners?
Thanks So Much!
You can learn a great deal by dissecting and analyzing Bixpacks outerspace-software.com... Also the user guide is an excellent resource. Happy animating!
IntroChamp, 11 years ago
Hello Eyelene,
Here are the basics in video form:
And of course the User Guide:
And then practice, practise, practise. by dissecting (shift control) existing shows: outerspace-software.com...
And in the link below just a search on youtube "blufftitler tutorial".
good luck and have fun exploring and animating with Blufftitler
komies, 11 years ago
This is one of my favorite BluffTitler tutorials on YouTube. If you have further questions please do not hesitate to ask them in this gallery.
michiel, 11 years ago
Thank you so much for all your help.
After watching some videos and spending the entire evening until 2 AM playing around I'm finally starting to understand a little better. So many options my head is spinning!
What a wonderful program for any artist who is creative.
EYELENE, 11 years ago