NextPreviousHomeCracks Additive.fx

LostBoyz | 12 years ago | 4 comments | 1 like | 3.3K views

hernandez777 likes this!

Hi Michiel!
It's possible this effects

Cracks1 Additive.fx,
Cracks2 Additive.fx,
Cracks3 Additive.fx,
Cracks4 Additive.fx,
Cracks5 Additive.fx

Thank you!

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You can easily add additive blending to any effect by adding the following lines before the first line starting with "VertexShader =".

Like this:

Alphablendenable= TRUE;
SrcBlend = ONE;
DestBlend = ONE;
CullMode = NONE;
ZWriteEnable = FALSE;

VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 VS0();

michiel, 12 years ago

I do not know how to:-(
Cracks1 Additive.fx, PLEASE!

LostBoyz, 12 years ago

Just open the effect you want with notepad, and follow the instructions provided by michiel

heg, 12 years ago

Ok thanks. First I didn't understand, becose my english knowlege isn't the best. But it's allready good I made it.
Thanks a lot.

LostBoyz, 12 years ago

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