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RRA | 12 years ago | 5 comments | 1 like | 2.6K views

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Hello Michiel,

I would like to ask you : is it possible to create a DEPTH LAYER from BT animation ?

Pls, see the link :

You will find there a tutorials, second one an third one is illustration how to create in Sony Vegas (for example) depth effect using FX from Motiva. In order to achieve this I have to rendered from Bluff Titler two files : original animation with alpha and second one : depth map. You will see, what I mean in tutorials.

Pls, answer if you can implement this - it would be antoher very atractive feature of BT, especially, that basing on depth map are posible different FXs in compositor application.

Merry Christmas,

best regards,

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Yes that would be wonderful. Thank you for your request!

I have attached a DOF (depth of field) effect to this article (press the DOWNLOAD MEDIA FILES button). This effect blurs a texture depending on its distance to the camera.

michiel, 12 years ago

Hello Michiel,

I have been trying this FX applied to camara layer, but can't achieve shallow DOF - maybe it's my fault - could anybody prepare demo show, just simple text going through the screen in perspective (should be possible to achieve effect, that only specific part of text has proper focus) ?

DOF will be very valuable FX of BT.

I suppose, that using the same mechanism (because in this FX you HAVE TO calculate DOF) you could implement in render dialog (export to file) option with possibility to export show to rendered file, but instead of presenting DOF, would be presented grayscale gradient (as interpretation of DOF). This file could be composited with original file in order to apply various OFX in compositor application.

best regards,

RRA, 12 years ago

The only thing this effect does is blurring the texture of the layer it is applied to as a function of the distance of this layer to the camera. It can be used to create DOF effects. It has been designed for use in picture layers, but you can use it in any layer that uses a texture.

It's an interesting experiment to apply the effect to the camera layer, but I don't think that will produce anything useful.

michiel, 12 years ago


OK, understand now, works fine on txt layer with texture. Very natural and will be nice to use it on simple scenes. I believe issue of DOF implemented to the camera layer, you will solve later.

But from my POV it's not important to interpret texture and implement blur funtion. Just to calculate distance between edges of objects and relative surface of screen (and of course it will be not real time FX, I can imagine, that this operation is time consuming - so in order to implement it, should be performed special 'render depth map' mode).

If you have seen this tutorial in my first post, I'm looking for procedure, how to create in BT these files in grayscale, which look like X-ray).

best regards,

RRA, 12 years ago

I have received this explanation from OFX supplier, maybe it will be helpfull :

"Depth maps are calculated in a direct way when you use a 3d renderer, so they are really easy to use if your footage comes from a 3d application, if not probably it should be easy to do "per layer" [RRA comment : I don't think so, layer per layer is rendering is perfect in order to create 3D composition in external app like Vegas Pro, but gives nothing in terms of depth map]

Depth maps are just a map that contains in grayscale the distance between the point of view and the object, so when LayerA is over LayerB it should be brighter than LayerB etc."

best regards,

RRA, 12 years ago

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